This Saturday’s Team Ride will be at the US National Whitewater Center’s LAKE LOOP. This 2.6 mile loop is another great spot for riders of all ages and skill levels to get some great practice on the bike. Older, more experienced riders should be able to get in multiple laps of the full course, while younger/less-experienced riders may only complete 1 or 2 laps, while having plenty of time to break things down, session (attempt multiple times) different sections, and just once again have fun riding together in groups. All parents who ride are welcome to attend! Please plan to get there a little early so we can start rolling groups right around 9. We will meet in the parking lot near the Lake Loop trailhead. Please use the bathroom before you arrive - the trailhead is a good 100yards/+ from the nearest bathroom. We will bring plenty of water for everyone for refills at the trail head.
There’s SO much to do and see at The Whitewater Center, so parents are encouraged to stick around and check out the facility while we are riding if you don’t ride with us.