Nutrition & Hydration
Create Nutritional Guidelines
.5 Gram of Protein for every Pound of Body Weight
A rider who weighs 125lbs x (.5) should eat 62.5 grams of protein daily divided up between meals and snacks
3 meals and 2 snacks (snack is half of meal protein) = 62.5/4= 16 (average up)/meal or 8 grams/snack
3 oz of Chicken Breast (palm or deck of cards) = 21 grams of Protein (7 grams of Protein/oz)
2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter = 8 grams of Protein
Nuts, Greek Yogurt & Granola, Smoothies, Protein Bars, or Protein Shakes!
DAILY Minimums
1 Oz of Water for every 2 Lbs of Body Weight,
Riders who weigh 125lbs should drink 60.25oz of Water.
A rider who weighs 100lbs should drink 50oz of Water, daily at a minimum.
A Large NALGENE bottle or similar is usually 1 QT or 32oz
ADD 10% of that amount for 2 DAYS before your big race or other event.
*Sugar Free is best… LMNT, NUUN, LiquidIV, SAL TT, etc… are all good choices and offer Sugar Free versions.
Or mix your own if you want to get fancy…
1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan Sea Salt
1/2 teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (Potassium)
1 Whole Lime or Lemon Squeezed with Pulp
1 tsp Magnesium powder
24oz Filtered Water
Some people add Honey - I do not
SHAKE before every gulp.
Don’t buy too many of anything until you find one you like, tastes good, agrees with your digestive system, and gives you the performance boost you desire. Local Bike Shops, REI, and other Outdoor OPutfitters often sell single-servings of these items. Choose one that has ingredients that aligns with your family’s nutritional guidelines. For example, some of these contain: cafeine, sugar, amino acids, and other specific ingredients. Popular Brands to Consider are: GU (I like GU “Roctane”), CLIF,